With Valentine’s Day coming up, the City of Delta is announcing the start of a Community Satisfaction Survey to find out what residents love about living in Delta, and how the City can do better. Over the next several days, Delta homes will receive a postcard with a special link inviting residents to share their views of City services and future priorities.
The Community Satisfaction Survey is being conducted by an independent research firm and the results will be statistically valid, presenting a representative view of the opinions of the community. Topics that the survey will cover include satisfaction with City services such as recreation and road maintenance, value for tax dollars, communication and engagement needs, among others. The survey will be open until March 16, 2025, and results will be shared with Delta Council, staff, and the community later this spring.
“Delta’s Community Satisfaction Survey is a great opportunity for residents to provide Council and the City with their feedback on the services we provide,” said Mayor George V. Harvie. “I encourage all residents to keep an eye on their mailboxes for the survey postcard and let us know how we can serve you better.”
The goal of the survey is to compile data that is representative of the views of Delta residents and help inform priorities of the City. The results will guide City decisions and plans. Participants may enter a draw to win one of two $250 VISA gift cards.
The survey will also recruit participation in a new online community panel that is under development. The Delta Community Panel will provide the City with the opportunity to collect representative data about community views on an ongoing basis. Interested participants will complete a number of surveys annually on important topics as they arise. Watch for more information as this project advances.
For more information on this news release, please contact media@delta.ca.