

Environmental Stewardship - Fish Habitat Below

Did you know that ANYTHING poured into a storm drain will end up in a local creek or ditch where fish and other aquatic life are living? This water is NOT treated and if a dumped substance is toxic,…

Adopt-a-Rain Garden Program

Rain gardens are gardens with swales that retain and infiltrate runoff from nearby impervious areas, such as roadways and parking lots. They help to improve water quality, replenish groundwater,…

Environmental Stewardship - Trash Free Delta

Litter not only looks bad, but garbage left in the environment can harm the environment: wildlife can die from eating or being trapped by plastics and chemicals can leach out of chemical containers.…

Environmental Stewardship - Ready, Set, Pull!

Image Delta is inviting everyone who lives, works or plays in our city to volunteer for our Community Weed Pull events! Amazing progress has been…

KinVillage Community Centre

This full-service seniors recreation facility includes a craft shop, second hand shop, hall and multi-purpose rooms for games, crafts and socials, all of which require the use of the time and talents…

Kennedy Seniors Recreation Centre

Active volunteer seniors at Kennedy Seniors Recreation Centre lead others in programs, crafts, cards, and woodworking, as well as provide reception duties and perform a variety of tasks required to…

Snow Angels Program

To become a Snow Angel, you must be at least 18 years of age and older, or between the ages of 13 - 17 with adult supervision. Community groups are invited to join together. All Snow Angels must…

Delta Community Animal Shelter

If you are 13 years of age or older, and love socializing and working with animals you may want to volunteer at the Delta Community Animal Shelter. Requirements to volunteers are as follows:…


Help keep Delta parks beautiful by helping with park clean ups. Events organized by community members keep parks clean and tidy. Many of these events are held once or twice a year in spring and/or…

Aquatics Programs

Volunteer opportunities are available for our scheduled swim programs and during special events in aquatics. In addition, Delta provides training to those volunteers who choose to support and assist…