Construction Set to Begin on 78 Street Interchange Project in Support of 148 Acre Industrial Park

The City of Delta is pleased to announce the launch of the 78 Street Interchange Project, led by Beedie, which will pave the way for the construction of Parkwood Industrial Estates. 

Over the next two years, work will take place to build a new overpass over Highway 99 at 78 Street and make improvements to surrounding roads to improve traffic flow and increase safety. These changes will allow for the construction and operation of Parkwood Industrial Estates—a 148 acre industrial park located at 5224 88 Street, that will provide significant economic benefit to the region. 

“This project is the culmination of years of work and planning, and we are excited to see Beedie begin construction on infrastructure that will have significant long-term benefits for our city,” said Mayor George V. Harvie. “Industrial capacity in the Lower Mainland is extremely limited, making Parkwood a much-needed addition. The project will create hundreds of construction jobs over the next few years and nearly 1,000 new permanent jobs in Delta. I look forward to seeing this project progress as we work to build the amenities necessary for our city’s future success.”

The 78 Street Interchange Project will allow for easier access to the future Parkwood Estates Industrial Park and will include three main areas of improvement for the community:

  • A new overpass at 78 Street including ground improvements, a centre pier, and a two-way connection between Ladner Trunk Road and a new connector road.
  • The relocation of Burns Drive to enable direct and continuing parallel traffic to Highway 99 for farm and service vehicles.
  • New traffic circles with on-ramps and off-ramps at 80 Street and at 88 Street to increase safety, traffic flow and access to Highway 99.

Construction on the new interchange will cause intermittent traffic disruptions on Highway 99, 88 Street, and Ladner Trunk Road. For the most up to date information on the project and its traffic impacts, please visit Beedie’s project site at:

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