Fitness Centre Capacity
Sungod Recreation Centre Weight Room routinely reaches capacity evenings between 6pm and 8pm. In that case, wait times may be lengthy. The fitness centre is also open and available at North Delta Recreation Centre. Thank you for your patience.
Facility Schedules
View the Winter 2024 drop-in facility schedules.
Winter 2025 Drop-in Fitness Schedule
Winter 2025 Drop-in Aquatics Schedule
For more programming options, visit
Amenities & Services
- Main pool
- Sunshine pool
- Teach pool
- Leisure pool
- Sauna
- Steam room
- Swirl pool
- Ice surface (ice sports and events between September and March)
- Skate shop with rentals available
- Dry surface (dry floor sports and events between April and August)
Weight Room
- Treadmills
- Stair climbers
- Rowers
- Ellipticals
- Stationary bikes
- Recumbent bikes
- Recumbent Cross Trainer*
- Step Through Recumbent Bikes*
- Active Passive Trainer*
- Active Hands gripping aids*
- Variety of Strength Equipment
- Free weights
- Smith Machine
- Half rack
- Squat Racks
- Flat Olympic Bench Presses
- Incline Olympic Bench Press
- Olympic Lifting Platforms
- Cable machines*
- Accessible and adapted weight and cardio equipment*
* denotes accessibility features.
Cycle-Fit Studio
- Climate controlled
- Retraceable window door
- 600 square foot facility
- Offers a variety of drop-in and registered programs
Fitness Studio
- Climate Controlled
- Full length mirrors
- Stereo System
Coffee Shop
- For hours and information, please call 604-543-1409 (Please note, the coffee shop is currently closed)
Meeting Rooms
- 2 meeting rooms
- Accommodate 25-30 people each
- The lobby meeting room is equipped with a flat-screen monitor and laptop hookups for presentations
Customer Service Office
- Offers services for community recreation programs and general admission services
Accessible Features
- Most areas are accessible to people with mobility impairments or who use a wheelchair
- Sledges available for rent during "Everyone Welcome" skates
- Ramps into the Swirl pool and Sunshine pool
- Water wheelchairs, walkers, and carts are available
- Zero depth entry in the Leisure pool
- Large family change rooms with extra room for those who need it
- Hand-held shower heads are available in the wheelchair accessible changerooms.
- Accessible and adapted weight and cardio equipment
Accessible Programs
- Accessibility Support Program offers assistance in recreation participation
Sport Courts